I’m having a little trouble configuring the environment.
I’ve created a new environment called Preprod on our project. I’ve been careful to set the right secrets for
However I get this
Do you have any idea where this might come from?
- Project name: Nostrum Care v3
- Team name: De
- Environment name: development
- Agent (forest package) name & version:
“@forestadmin/agent”: “^1.43.0”,
“@forestadmin/datasource-sequelize”: “^1.5.21”,
“@forestadmin/datasource-sql”: “^1.0.0”,
“dotenv”: “^16.0.1”,
“pg”: “^8.8.0”,
“sequelize”: “^6.33.0”,
“stripe”: “^14.17.0”
- Database type: Postgresql
Thank you in advance for your help !!
Hello @jacques_liao !
Thank you for reaching out to us. To better understand the issue, could you please share the failure log of your agent?
Best regards,
here are the error logs I have on the new forest agent
Hello @jacques_liao,
The logs shared are on your frontend, which show a status code 500.
This means that you should have more details in your agent console as to why a 500 error is returned. Can you please let us know what does the stack trace look on this side ? 
Hello @Nicolas.M
The url was changed to match the correct preprod url for us, and when I changed it I got this case now where it’s telling us I’m not authorised
I have a 403 status in the site logs and on the back end we have no log concerning this error.
Is there something wrong with our configuration?
Thank you in advance!
Hello @jacques_liao,
With which account are you trying to access the project ? Could you please try login out and login in again ?
If this doesn’t solve the issue, can you please share details of your frontend logs ? especially the 403 error ? 
Hello @Nicolas.M
I’m using an admin account, and I’ve tried to reconnect but it doesn’t work either.
I get this error at the front, but we do have our FOREST_AUTH_SECRET variable set in Preprod
Uncaught (in promise) AgentUnreachableError: Your agent is unreachable
Uncaught (in promise) AgentUnreachableError: Your agent is unreachable
I just checked and it seems like your agent is indeed running at the adress specified.
Something that you may want to check is your CORS configuration. Did you make sure that your agent was accessible from a CORS perspective.
Do you see any errors in your frontend console that might indicate a CORS issue ?
Hello @Nicolas.M
Now, I have this
Uncaught (in promise) i: You are not authorized to access this project.
GET 403 (Forbidden)
And if not, to answer your question, I don’t see any CORS error.
Can you please provide the complete stack trace of this error, as well as the timestamp at which you received it
Can you please also send me in PM the email adress of the account that you are using to connect to Nostrum Care v3 ?

Hello again,
Can you please double check that the secret keys that you are using are the correct ones ?
It could explain the behaviour that you are seeing if you have mixed them up