How to add custom button?

Need to add custom button which resets the password by taking the values email and password to an custom API and refresh the page when the API success response is recieved. If possible it should open a pop up with enter new password

Feature(s) impacted

Observed behavior

Expected behavior


  • Project name:Whydonate
  • Database type: MySql

Hello @Jaspreet_Singh !

Welcome to the Forest community !

You can create a smart action and use custom success notifications to show the new password.

The code can be something like this

// forest/users.js
 actions: [{ name:"reset password", type: "single"}],

// routes/users.js'/actions/reset-password', permissionMiddlewareCreator.smartAction(),async(request, response) => {
  const recordGetter = new RecordGetter(clients, request.user, request.query);
  const record = await recordGetter.get([0]);
  const newPassword = await fetchNewPassword(, record.password); // fetch new password from custom API   
  await users.update({ password: newPassword }, { where: { id: } });

  response.send({ success: `Password updated` })

Is there way to place a button against the password?

In the detail view, the action created will be in the header’s Actions dropdown :

But you can use a workspace or the summary view to arrange the data as you want and put an action button near the password field

So I cannot create a button and place it alongside of password field?

No, at least not in the record details

Ok Thanks for the info.

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