Intercom conversations: User Not Found

I integrated Intercom to ForestAdmin.
I can see intercom-> details, and intercom->conversations.
The intercom->details shows User details, but when I click intercom->conversations for the same user, it says ‘User not Found’.

[forest] 🌳🌳🌳  Cannot access to Intercom conversations: User Not Found
GET /forest/User/61ba0b1df520ee46f6baf12f/intercom_conversations?timezone=Europe%2FBucharest&fields%5BUser_intercom_conversations%5D=assignee%2Cbody%2Copen%2Cread%2Csubject&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=15 304 3009.380 ms - -

Please let me know the solution.

Hey @Meylis_Amanov :wave:

Could you share the version of the agent (forest-express-sequelize|mongoose) you are using, as well as the version of the intercom-client package you installed. Your project name will also help to investigate this issue.

We currently support intercom-client@2.11, and this needs to be enforce in the intercom developer interface

Let me know if that helps

Here are the versions I installed.
“forest-express-mongoose”: “^8.4.5”,
“intercom-client”: “^2.11.2”,
And the intercom developer hub app version is 2.3(2020-11-12).
I changed it to 2.0(2020-01-30) and tried again but the issue hasn’t been resolved.
And I haven’t installed ‘forest-express-sequelize’ in my Backend Project.
In ForestAdmin portal, our organization name is ‘Incard Ltd’ and project name is ‘incard back’.

This is the code how I integrated Intercom inside my Project.

const intercomClient = require('intercom-client');


    envSecret: process.env.FOREST_ENV_SECRET,

    authSecret: process.env.FOREST_AUTH_SECRET,

    objectMapping: Mongoose,

    connections: { default: connection },

    integrations: {

      intercom: {

        accessToken: process.env.INTERCOM_ACCESS_TOKEN,

        intercom: intercomClient,

        mapping: ['', '', ''],



Thank you.

Ok. I’ll do a quick setup on my end to see if I’m able to reproduce the issue, and get back to you if I can spot anything.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I’ve just made a quick setup on my end, and sadly, I’m currently not able to reproduce. (intercom-client@2.11.2 as well)

Do you have any others errors logs display (Either in your browser console or in your admin backend)?
Can you confirm that the email you are selecting does indeed match with data you have in Intercom?

Thanks in advance

I am sorry @jeffladiray
In FA intercom section, I can see conversations of DEV Intercom env.
So that seems to be our Intercom env issue.
Thank you for your time :slight_smile:
We have another problem.
We can see Conversation body as ‘Html code’.
Is there any way we can see it clearly and visually?

In FA intercom section, I can see conversations of DEV Intercom env.
So that seems to be our Intercom env issue.
Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

No problem, good to know it works on your end.

We have another problem.
We can see Conversation body as ‘Html code’.
Is there any way we can see it clearly and visually?

If you speak about the body section, it is currently not supported. Intercom API provides us an array of inputs, and we currently don’t support array of rich text.

I can’t really think of any specific workaround outside overriding the get/details route of the integration (But it’s pretty hacky). Let me know if such solution would fit, I may be able to draft something :slight_smile:

Otherwise, I’ll push this as a feature suggestion :slight_smile:

I understand what solution you are suggesting.
But it’ll be better if FA supports customized widget for Intercom->conversations->body field. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Ok, I pushed it to product board as a feature suggestion :+1:

Thanks for your feedback. I’m closing the thread since the initial problem is solved, and the feature suggest is pushed to our product board (But feel free to open a new thread if you encounter any other issue :slight_smile: )

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