Is the Rails framework setup compatible with Mongodb as a database?

Feature(s) impacted


Observed behavior

Hey there - I recently installed forest as a Rails framework setup. However, when I boot up my server I get a ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished error. However, I’m using MongoDB as the database.

Expected behavior

Successful connection

Failure Logs

[2023-01-03T16:23:14 (process) #7135][INFO] appsignal: Starting AppSignal 3.0.27 (bin/rails, Ruby

2.7.3, arm64-darwin21)
[2023-01-03 16:23:16] Forest 🌳🌳🌳  No Apimap sent to Forest servers, it seems that the database is not accessible:
       route  mount ForestLiana::Engine => '/forest'

Is the Rails framework setup compatible with Mongodb as a database? Ideally, I would want to setup via the framework vs a microservice.

Hello @matthewblack. :wave: Welcome to our community

Our rails agent is currently not compatible with mongodb.
The only solution is to use our structure microservice.

I pushed your request to our ProductBoard.
Please come back to us if you need help.