Low button readability + little UI issue

Hey, congrats on the new look!

As a somewhat longtime user, of course I absolutely abhor it, but I’m leaving it some time to grow on me (pun intended).

There’s a contrast issue on CTA buttons though:

White on green is fairly challenging to read on both my laptop screen and desk screen.

As a bonus, we now have weird empty scrollbars everywhere we hover:

Thanks for the hard work!

Thanks for your message.
Regarding the color issue, our team is on it and will solve this issue as quick as possible.

And for your widget that become scrollable on hover, what widget do you use ?

Best regards,


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Hi shohanr, thanks for your reply.

The scroll indicators appear on every single field when not in edit view, on hover.

On which view are you seeing this behavior ?
ex: Smart Action form, Record details, …

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Summary view and details.

Thanks for your anwser.
What browser are you using ?

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Edge on Windows, 132.0.2957.140 64 bits.

Alright, we identified the issue for the scrolls.

The fix should be live any time soon.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,



Love the new UI colours and that quick copy feature, thanks folks =D