Mixpanel mapping with distinct id


I try to integrate mixpanel but I have trouble setting things up, I don’t find any documentation

For my first users I was registering the user’s email in mixpanel, but I stopped doing this, no the only way I can relate a mixpanel user with one of my BDD user is the _id : the _id of my user in mongo is the Distinct Id of mixpanel.

I’m sure my api is working correctly because for the old user’s with an email in mixpanel, the mapping: ['User.email'] is working well.

but the mapping: ['User._id'] is not working : how can I map it to Distinct Id ?


Hey @arnaudambro, here’s our documentation on integrating mixpanel here

However, I don’t think your expected feature is available right now, so I’ll push it to our product board :pray:

Hi Jeff

OK thanks !
You mean right now, the only available mapping is with email ? (No judgement, juste a question)


I’m pretty sure that this is currently the case indeed.

As stated, I’ve pushed your suggestion to our productboard, which is the best I can do right now.

Hope this helps :pray: