MongoDB "cannot be found" when clicking each record in the table

Feature(s) impacted

All collections are showing up on the dashboard and each record is also visible, but whenever we try to click into each record for a detailed view we get “cannot be found” error.

Observed behavior

All collections are showing up on the dashboard and each record is also visible, but whenever we try to click into each record for a detailed view we get “cannot be found” error.
If we inspect the error we get detail:“Record does not exists” name: “NotFoundError”. But the record is there so it’s impossible that it cannot be found. This does not make sense because the records show up in the tables, but when clicking detailed view it’s all the sudden “Not Found”.

Expected behavior

Clicking into each record in the collection should open the detailed view.

Failure Logs

chunk.675.4c3af32….js:2 [forest] :deciduous_tree::deciduous_tree::deciduous_tree: Unexpected error in details view:

  1. n {isAdapterError: true, stack: ‘Error: Ember Data Request GET https://api.gambling…assets/chunk.675.4c3af32594cf4b1c973b.js:2:52820)’, description: undefined, fileName: undefined, lineNumber: undefined, …}
  2. description: undefined
  3. errors: Array(1)
    1. 0: {name: ‘NotFoundError’, detail: ‘Record does not exists’, status: 404}


  • Project name: Gambling Golfer

  • Team name: Operations

  • Environment name: Production

  • Agent (forest package) name & version:
    @forestadmin/agent": {
    “version”: “1.8.3”,
    @forestadmin/forestadmin-client”: “1.1.9”

  • Database type: MongoDB

Hi @Filip :wave: which version of mongoose do you use?

Mongoose: 5.12.7
Forestadmin-datasource-mongoose: 1.3.1


Hi @Filip unfortunately we does not support mongoose 5x.
Can I suggest you to see this thread and try to upgrade mongoose :pray:?


This resolved the issue, thank you!