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List view showing correctly:
Error when selecting individual record:
Feature(s) impacted
Please describe in this mandatory section the feature(s) that will be discussed in this topic.
The CRUD routes seem to all return 404 even though the list routes display details
Observed behavior
Please describe in this mandatory section the current behavior you observe.
When selecting an individual record, the api returns a 404 (Not Found).
Expected behavior
Please describe in this mandatory section the behavior you are expecting.
We’d assume the mongo record 62045768be659c3a4205f267 from collection “sources” would display
Failure Logs
In this optional section, please:
- include any relevant log snippets if necessary,
- or remove this section if left empty.
Please provide in this mandatory section, the relevant information about your configuration:
- Project name: Carrot Warehouse
- Team name: Operations
- Environment name: Development
- Agent type & version:
“forest-express-mongoose”: “8.6.3”,
- Recent changes made on your end if any:
Simply using the forest-express-mongoose:
import * as Forest from 'forest-express-mongoose'
import * as Mongoose from 'mongoose'
console.log('connection.modelNames', connection.modelNames())
connection.modelNames().map((modelName) => {
Forest.collection(modelName, {
actions: [],
fields: [],
segments: [],
fieldsToFlatten: [],
const forest = await Forest.init({
// configDir: join(__dirname, './forest/forest'),
envSecret: process.env.FOREST_ENV_SECRET,
authSecret: process.env.FOREST_AUTH_SECRET,
schemaDir: process.env.FOREST_SCHEMA_DIR,
objectMapping: Mongoose,
includedModels: connection.modelNames(),
// includedModels: models,
connections: { default: connection },