Hey guys,
I added two new tables to my api which is connected to Forest. In local environment this is fine, Forest shows me the new created table, their smart actions etc. But in production Forest Admin doesn’t update with the new table… Can you help me ?
Expected behavior
Forest Admin should show the 2 news table I introduced
Actual behavior
Forest don’t take into account the new .forestadminSchema …
I just took a look to see if I can locate something wrong, but everything seems fine on my end for your .forestadmin-schema. Could you check in layout mode if your collection are not hidden ?
We’ve recently released a feature that automatically hide new collection on environment, but if that’s not your case, I could refresh the cache associated to your project.
This was mainly done to allow you to choose when your users are allowed to see the recent changes you’ve made.
For example, smart actions were previously allowed by default once you’ve released. If you wanted to set restriction for theses smart actions, you would have to do it “fast” (User can be able to trigger smart actions between your release and the time you set the associated restriction). Now, you are able to restrict access before your users can see those.
Since this is a recent feature, feel free to make any feedback on this
The idea is good. I was just not aware
It would be good to have a pop up message displayed for admin users to tell new integrations have been made but are currently hide.