Feature(s) impacted
Pagination. All collections.
Observed behavior
All our collections display the same 10 results, no matter what page, or how we adjust page size. This is only an issue in our hosted staging and production environments. Pagination works normally in local development.
Expected behavior
Working pagination in our hosted environments.
Failure Logs
I overrode one of our list routes in order to log the request params. Here’s what was logged for req.params
in local dev vs staging.
Local dev
timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
fields: {
Creator: 'name,email,_id,acceptedUserAgreement,assetFiles,assetLinks,bio,contentCategory,coverPhotoId,createdAt,description,location,password,profilePhotoId,stage,stripeConnectId,stripeCustomerId,updatedAt,userType,valuation,username,fundingRaised'
page: { number: '2', size: '10' },
sort: '-_id'
'page[size]': '10',
sort: '-_id',
'page[number]': '2',
timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
'fields[Creator]': 'name,bio,email,_id,acceptedUserAgreement,assetFiles,assetLinks,contentCategory,coverPhotoId,createdAt,description,location,password,profilePhotoId,stage,stripeConnectId,stripeCustomerId,updatedAt,userType,valuation,username,fundingRaised'
Seems like we might be encountering a shallow parsing issue? Question is still why the difference between environments, local vs remote?
- Project name: subscribe.so
- Team name: AE Studio
- Environment name: Staging, Production
- Agent type & version: forest-express-mongoose@7.8.3
Our admin is hosted on vercel (serverless function).