Problem connection in my project

That’s not the same request that is failing and that’s a good point. Can you share the headers request & response of the new failing request from your network tab. :slight_smile:

Kind regards

Is it possible to get someone by phone ?
I am wasting time … sorry

Sorry I didn’t see that you have an IN APP forest-rails installation. Did you change something recently that could explain this changes on authentication? Recent version upgrade? If so I would highly recommend to rollback to your last stable version to make your backoffice work again.

Kind regards,

I have just changed one thing : the DNS of the app from to

I am really embarrassed … what to do to accelerate ?

I know you are, and I’m sorry to hear about that. This DNS change seems to broke few things on your app. However I do not understand why your error this morning is different as the one you have yesterday. We were close to fix your issue and it was only remaining to modify a little bit your cors config

Can you curl your backoffice on /forest endpoint?

it s normal
I have changed once again the APPLICATION FOREST URL to
In what consists to curl the backoffice on forest endpoint please ?

This is the api endpoint you setup on forestadmin: However the application url your telling your application to check for authentication is not the same: So it won’t work. Please either change your domain endpoint from forestadmin app or your application url to make coherence between both :slight_smile:

where do you see i set up this url : ?
because according to me i set up : and not

i did the change and came back to in forest also
i send you the error logs in the network tabs

sorry … i prefer to use

Code d’état:

400 Bad Request{"renderingId"%3D>106604}

Can you give me the response of the failing request ? There should be a more explicit error here.


{“errors”:[{“status”:400,“detail”:“The redirect uri must be one of Received “””,“meta”:{},“name”:“InvalidRedirectUriError”}]}

Why do they force me to put ?
I want to use instead

Hello Louis @anon16419211
Could you please help me to get the service back ?
Thank you

I have some news for you, looking at your client ID, I can see that there is a mismatch probably due to some rails cache. So to fix this, can you cleat your rails cache, restart your server and then log somewhere your application URL so we can verify that this is

It should unblock you. :slight_smile:

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Thank you
It worked !
Nice day

Perfect @anthony, happy to hear that it solves your issue !

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