Feature impacted
MongoDB connection.
Observed behavior
The connection to MongoDB server fails.
Expected behavior
Forestadmin should connect according to the doc, especially since I am totally able to connect when using Studio3T or Robo3T tools.
Failure Logs
Here is the output log after launching the command on my terminal and reaching the step “Connecting to your database” :
× Cannot connect to the database due to the following error:
× {"name":"MongoServerSelectionError","reason" : {"type":"Unknown","setName":null,"maxSetVersion":null,"maxElectionId":null,"servers":{},"stale":false,"compatible":true,"compatibilityError":null,"logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes":null,"heartbeatFrequencyMS":10000,"localThresholdMS":15,"commonWireVersion":null}}
- Project name: mppv2admin
- Team name: monpetitparquet
- May be important to consider : MongoDB servers are managed by Meteor Galaxy. I have no control on them.
- MongoURL used for Studio3T connection (username, password changed of course) :
- I have tried many different thing modifying directly the auto-generated bash command, but all of them failed. (removing / adding parameters like ssl=true…, removing one of the two server…)