Feature(s) impacted
adding a relation between two different data sources
Observed behavior
I would like to relate data between a sequelize postgres data source and a mongo db data source, but I have no control over the content structure of the mongo source. the developer decided to store the index as a string, but in our postgres database it is an integer. When I relate the 2 together, I get the error: Error: Types from ‘transcription.conversationId’ and ‘conversations_conversation.id’ do not match. This is correct, they don’t, but is there any way I can make the relation anyway? Perhaps a virtual field or similar to cast it as a string first?
Expected behavior
I would like to see the data related through the different data types.
Failure Logs
- Project name: KAI Conversations
- Team name: Operations
- Environment name: Development
- Agent technology: nodejs
- Agent (forest package) name & version: @forestadmin/agent 1.53.1
- Database type: postgres (sequelize)
- Recent changes made on your end if any: setting up the new agent