When I search, my search does not include array content highlights.
How do I work around this?
Expected behavior
Array is taken into consideration with search.
Actual behavior
Doesn’t search inside arrays
Failure Logs
Please include any relevant log snippets, if necessary.
Please provide any relevant information about your setup.
- Package Version: 6.3.8
- Express Version: ~4.17.1
- Sequelize Version: ~5.21.13
- Database Dialect: postgres
- Database Version: 12.2
- Project Name: Rupie
Hi @austinrupie,
Thanks for reaching out.
Indeed, I’m afraid the default search does not include array content highlights.
Let me add this subject to our Product Board requests so that it’d be tackled in the future.
In the meantime, you could have the option to override the get
route and deal with all cases… But it’d be probably quite a work.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
Ok. Thanks.
So I tried overriding yesterday, but I couldn’t figure it out.
// Learn what this route does here: https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/v/v5/reference-guide/routes/default-routes#get-a-list-of-records
const recordsGetter = new RecordsGetter(InternalRecord);
const params = request.query;
const { page: { number, size }, search } = params;
let where = {};
if (search) {
where = {
[Op.or]: [
notes: {
[Op.iLike]: `%${search}%`
tags: {
[Op.contains]: [search]
skills: {
[Op.contains]: [search]
const findAll = InternalRecord.findAll({
include: [
model: User,
as: 'Contact'
model: Job,
as: 'Job'
offset: number - 1,
limit: size,
const count = InternalRecord.count();
// resolve the two promises and serialize the response
findAll, count
internalRecordsFound, internalRecordsCount
]) => recordsGetter.serialize(internalRecordsFound, { count: internalRecordsCount }))
.then(recordsSerialized => response.send(recordsSerialized))
the result-set was coming back correctly, but Forest always complained that “no records were found”.
Any advice?
Hi @austinrupie
, according to the documentation you should override the two get routes
For you:
router.get('/InternalRecord', (req, res, next) => {
// Return here the records with your specific search logic.
// { data: [{ internalRecord }] }
router.get('/InternalRecord/count', (req, res, next) => {
// Return here the total number who match your specific search logic.
// { count: 1 }
Actually, with your implementation, this second route return { count: 0 }
, so the app display nothing.
Let me know if it help.
Hmm yeah, the count didn’t work. I’d love some better example around customizing this stuff if possible?
Like a single full replacement using sequelize would be very helpful.
Hi @austinrupie,
Here is an exemple of an override of the get and count routes for a similar case to yours.
I have an item
model with name
and tags
fields. tags
being an array.
// Get a list of Items
router.get('/items', permissionMiddlewareCreator.list(), (request, response, next) => {
const recordsGetter = new RecordsGetter(items);
const { page: { number, size }, search } = request.query;
let where = {};
if (search) {
where = {
[Op.or]: [{
name: { [Op.iLike]: `%${search}%` }
}, {
tags: { [Op.contains]: [search] }
offset: number - 1,
limit: size,
.then(records => recordsGetter.serialize(records))
.then(recordsSerialized => response.send(recordsSerialized))
// Get a number of Items
router.get('/items/count', permissionMiddlewareCreator.list(), (request, response, next) => {
const { search } = request.query;
let where = {};
if (search) {
where = {
[Op.or]: [{
name: { [Op.iLike]: `%${search}%` }
}, {
tags: { [Op.contains]: [search] }
items.count({ where })
.then(count => response.send({ count }))
It needs to be noted that this will only handle search on a perfect match for the array as sequelize does not define a contains + like operator. If you want to do so you’ll either have to craft your own SQL query or perform a custom filter in JS after retrieving the items.
I hope this will be of any help.