Smart View Calendar, Belongsto Help

Hi FA community!

Feature(s) impacted

A calendar smart view which will display data from other collections

Observed behavior

I can’t figure out how to access data from other collections from within the component file of a FA smart action

Expected behavior

To display data from other collections via the Belongsto relationship.


Trying to create a smart view calendar displaying booked time off.

Template file

<div id="{{calendarId}}" class="calendar"></div>

Component file code

'use strict';
import Ember from 'ember';
import SmartViewMixin from 'client/mixins/smart-view-mixin';

let calendar = null;

export default Ember.Component.extend(SmartViewMixin, {
  store: Ember.inject.service(),
  conditionAfter: null,
  conditionBefore: null,
  loaded: false,
  calendarId: null,
  tooltipId: null,
  loadPlugin: function() {
    const that = this;'afterRender', this, function() {
      if (this.get('viewList.recordPerPage') !== 50) {
        this.set('viewList.recordPerPage', 50);
      that.set('calendarId', `${this.get('')}-calendar`);
      that.set('tooltipId', `${this.get('')}-tooltip`);
      Ember.$.getScript('//', function() {
        Ember.$.getScript('//', function() {
            function() {
                function() {
                    function() {
                      const calendarEl = document.getElementById(that.get('calendarId'));

                      calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, {
                        header: {
                          left: 'title',
                          center: '',
                          right: 'today prev,next dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek',
                        allDaySlot: false,
                        plugins: ['dayGrid', 'timeGrid'],
                        defaultView: 'timeGridWeek',
                        defaultDate: new Date(),
                        viewRender: function(view, element) {
                          const field = that.get('collection.fields').findBy('field', 'datetime');

                          that.sendAction('fetchRecords', { page: 1 });
                        eventRender: function(eventData) {
                          new Tooltip(eventData.el, {
                            title: eventData.event.extendedProps.description,
                            placement: 'top',
                            trigger: 'hover',
                            container: 'body',
                        eventClick: function(eventData) {


                      that.set('loaded', true);

      const cssCoreLink = $('<link>');
      const cssDayGridLink = $('<link>');
      const cssTimegridLink = $('<link>');

        rel: 'stylesheet',
        type: 'text/css',
        href: '',
        rel: 'stylesheet',
        type: 'text/css',
        href: '',
        rel: 'stylesheet',
        type: 'text/css',
        href: '',
  setEvent: function() {
    if (!this.get('records')) {

    this.get('records').forEach(function(holiday) {
      const attempt = holiday.get('forest-homeSupportWorker.forest-firstname')
      console.log('ATTEMPT', attempt)
      const event = {
        id: holiday.get('id'),
        title: `title`,
        start: holiday.get('forest-startDate'),
        end: holiday.get('forest-endDate')

  }.observes('loaded', 'records.[]'),

Below are the models/collections being used. The first SC refers to the model the smart view is being applied to.

Related collection:

I am looking to pass the name of the homeSupportWorker as the title value to the event object but can’t seem to figure out how to access it. Console.log(holiday) returns a null or undefined value for the Belongsto relation.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks

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Hey @Talha, and welcome to our community :wave:

Could you please share the request payload of the HTTP call returning the results displayed in you smart view?

(It should be something like GET /forest/homeSupportWorkerTimeOfRequests?timezone=...)

I’m able to reproduce a similar issue (And I opened a ticket on our end), but I just want to make sure I did not miss anything. It should look something like this


Thanks in advance :pray:

Thanks for responding. Please let me know if you need any more information

Many thanks!!

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Thanks for the fast reply. Indeed, this is the issue I reported.

We’ll let you know once fixed. I can’t give any ETA though, but be sure the ticket as been filed :+1:

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Amazing, thank you very much for your help!!

Hello @Talha,

We pushed a little fix about this topic.
Can you try again and tell me if it’s working for you?
