I have a Smart View that needs to filter out some initial records before showing them to the template. I have tried to use fetchData
as was described in the Smart View documents, but not having any luck.
Here’s how I’d imagine it should work:
@service store;
constructor () {
set(this, "isLoading", true);
set(this, "currentRecordIsLoading", true);
async fetchData() {
set(this, "isLoading", true);
const params = {
'page[number]': 1,
'page[size]': 500
// get all the talent queues
await this.store.query('forest_talentQueue', params)
.then((talentQueues) => {
// only return TQ if it has a beacon
talentQueues.filter((talentQueue) => {
const currentBeacon = talentQueue["forest-Beacons"]?.firstObject || {};
if (currentBeacon.id !== undefined) {
talentQueue.beacon = currentBeacon;
return talentQueue;
this.set('records', talentQueues);
Basically, I want to only show all the records that have a beacon attached to them, and then use that the initial this.args.records
. Is this not possible?
If not, then how can I fetch the filtered data without causing a render on the template?
In my template, I need to:
- show a loading state while the filter records get found:
<div class="wrapper" {{did-insert this.setDefaultTalentQueue}}>
{{#if (or this.isLoading @isLoading)}}
<div class="wrapper--is-loading">
<span class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-5x"></span>
<div class="wrapper__list">
<div class="wrapper__list-inner">
{{#each this.records as |talentQueue|}}
should select the first record after the filtered records load.
Hope this makes sense. Thanks!