Smart View: related data missing

I have these two tables that are linked by a foreign key with a has_many relationship. Following are the models that I have implemented:

  1. Handlers:
const Handlers = (sequelize: any, DataTypes: any) => {
	const Model = sequelize.define(
			tableName: 'Handlers'

	Model.associate = (models: any) => {
		Model.hasMany(models.missions, {
			foreignKey: {
				name: 'handlerIdKey',
				field: 'handlerId'
			as: 'handlerMissions'

	return Model;
  1. Missions:
const Missions = (sequelize: any, DataTypes: any) => {
	const Model = sequelize.define(
			tableName: 'Missions'

	Model.associate = (models: any) => {
		Model.belongsTo(models.handlers, {
			foreignKey: {
				name: 'handlerIdKey',
				field: 'handlerId'
			as: 'handler'

	return Model;

Smart View:

missionList: Ember.computed(
	function () {
		return this.get('currentRecord.forest-handlerMissions').map(
			function (mission) {
				return mission;
actions: {
	selectRecord: function (record) {
		this.set('currentRecord', record);

// snippet 1

{{#each records as |record|}}
	<a href="#" {{action "selectRecord" record}}>

// snippet 2

{{#each missionList as |mission|}}

Expected behavior

Snippet 1 should display the number of mission a handler has.

Snippet 2 should display the current handler’s missions

Actual behavior

The maximum number that appears is 10.

The maximum missions that appears are 10.

  • Package Version: forest-express-sequelize 6.3.11
  • Express Version: 4.17.1
  • Sequelize Version: 5.8.9
  • Database Dialect: postgres
  • Database Version: 12
  • Project Name: Kokoon

Found a solution:

		var currentRecordId = this.get('currentRecord').get('id');

		const params = {
			filters: JSON.stringify({
				conditions: [
						field: 'handlerId',
						operator: 'equal',
						value: currentRecordId
			timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
			'page[number]': 1,
			'page[size]': 50

			.query('forest-mission', params)
			.then((missions) => {
				this.set('missionList', missions);


Got the missions of a handler with query and then assigned the value to missionList.

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Hi @Adil_Niaz,

Thank you for reaching out with your issue.

As stated in our documentation, when fetching data you need to provide the pagination parameters: page number and page size. By default you’ll get the first page with 10 records.
