I just tried a fresh install of Forest Admin for our database that’s locked behind a shield space on Heroku. Access requires an IP address to be whitelisted and SSL certificates to be used. Everything works on psql if I supply execute the following:
With lumber generate I’m getting the following error:
✖ Connecting to your database
> Cannot connect to the database due to the following error:
> SequelizeConnectionError: connection requires a valid client certificate
I’m not sure how to supply the certificates to the generate command.
Can you try to add the variables listed in your question to your .env file in your project folder?
You can also add ?sslmode=verify-ca to DATABASE_URL in the same file.
Since your database is locked behind a shield space, I am guessing we are talking about production/staging grade data. We do not recommend installing Forest Admin atop such a database for a start since you will be generating an app locally run on your machine (development environment).