Suggestions - Improving this Forum!

First of all, thank you, thank you, welcome here and… thank you! :tada:

This feedback is amazing and helps building this tool packing it with all the features that are needed for growing our community healthy and strong. Let me answer you on the various points:

“Solving” issues

This is a great suggestion but… it should already be possible! This is an example of a question which was solved: MongoDB : Delete/Update a collection on forest admin interface
If you don’t see it, it is a problem on our end that needs to be solved.


I gave this feature some thought, and after some pondering I decided to skip this for the launch. The reasoning behind this choice is that it may be overwhelming information for new users, and, in the end, it does not really change the support process. Any questions under any tag would have to be treated exactly the same way, with fanatic support. As this community grows in size, however, I feel that it’s a natural evolution we should tend to, and yours is a really good list. Maybe we can add a couple of other tags too, for example one could signal whether a new feature is on the roadmap. Which brings us to your other suggestion…


they are definitely going to appear, and I think you came up with a great list! But again, we opted to launch with just one category at the start for the sake of simplicity and to ensure a smooth transition. However, the community seems to be getting already quite some traction, so I was thinking to start to create them already in the next week or so. I would like to see at least the following:

  • Account and Billing
  • Announcements (yes!)
  • Feature requests (with votes)
  • Teach and Learn

and of course, given your post, I guess we have to add:

  • Community Feedback (for discussion related to this website)

All these categories will need some initial content for being launched, and I will only turn them on once there are a few topics to start with. So… if you have tips and tricks you have come up with, I’d love if you could share them, and I’ll be glad to re-categorize them and work with you before we announce it.

In any case, thanks again for being with us from day 1 and for being so supportive. It’s wonderful to have developers like you on board! :sunny: