MongoDB : Delete/Update a collection on forest admin interface

Expected behavior

Update forest admin interface after deleting one collection in mongoDB.

Actual behavior

Can’t find how to update forest admin ?

I deleted the collection’s model.

Failure Logs

None, just collection still showing on the left hand side of the forest admin interface.


Local environment.
Running forest admin in docker-compose

Hey @Nicolas,

Could you check if your .forestadmin-schema.json still contains a definition for the collection you dropped in mongo ?

.forestadmin-schema.json is regenerated on server start, so if you did not restart your server, the collection will still appear in the UI. Moreover, you might also want to remove the routes and forest files associated to your deleted collection if you don’t need them anymore.

Hey Jeff, yes I checked this file and it’s still here, in double:

I had a user collection, changed the schema and had a second user collection.
It was okay as I hide it from the pannel.
But I created my first smart action and saw that it was associated to the old user (the one hidden).

Nailed it !! It was User not user (“users” is the old collection, “User” was the new one).

Thanks for your help, have a good day !

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