Feature(s) impacted
Workspaces charts
Observed behavior
When creating a workshop with multiple collections, I can use a templated value from one collection’s selected row to filter a second collection. However, these templated values aren’t available for charts within the same workspace. As a result, no chart can be filtered by any “parent” collection selections which I think is imperative.
Additionally, smart charts aren’t available in workspaces which I need to use to get timeseries charting lower than 1d intervals (and to display as a candlestick chart instead of line).
Expected behavior
Templated values should be available for filtering all workspace components and not just fields and collections. Similarly, segments should be available to selected for chart collections.
Smart charts should be available within workspaces.
- Project name: –
- Team name: –
- Environment name: Production and Development
- Agent type & version: 8.5.8
- Recent changes made on your end if any: N/A
Thanks Romain. Is there any ETA on the next iteration of Workspace?
The next iteration is progressively rolling out until the end of August/early September.
It consists in spreading the Templating system to our existing components and adding a couple of new components as well.
As said, I pushed your request to our product team so I can only see it coming soon in the hands of our devs 
Wait and see 
Is there any way I can get in touch with someone on the product team for this? Would love to do a user interview on the Workspace feature and ask a few questions.
Hi @trestrantham,
Sure thing, sending you a PM.
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Hi @anon37903635 @anon37903635,
I am also very interested about template values in workspace charts. Is there any news about releases on this subject?
Is it possible to be notify when the feature will be released?
Thanks a lot 
Hey @Julien_Perron
and welcome to our community!
Tech details are being discussed at the moment. Development should start soon 

Sure thing! Stay tuned 

Hello @trestrantham @Julien_Perron,
Big news! Templated values are now available in charts

You can template inside the name, the filters and the timeframe.
To be able to use this feature, you need to upgrade your agent version:
- for agent-nodejs: 1.4.0
- for forest-express-sequelize: 9.0.0
- for forest-express-mongoose: 9.0.0
Let me know if everything is working as expected and if you need more to fit your use case.