Tough week, eh?

(Not following the template on this one, sorry about that)

From my understanding, Forest has been the victim of the incompetence of their provider Heroku this week, leading to complete downtime for myself and others.

I’ve seen the incident logs and see that you’ve taken all steps possible (including deploying to a new region) to solve this issue. Thanks a lot for that.

As a fellow SaaS provider I understand the situation you’ve been in and to be blunt, damn. I empathize. What a nightmare.

That being said… yeah, it’s time for reassurance. Could you tell us a bit more about this issue and the steps you’ve taken or the research you’re doing to prevent it happening again? Thankfully for us, it happened at a time when we didn’t have urgent need of our backoffice, but should it happen again at the wrong time it could be pretty damaging. It’s a scary thing when a tool as reliable and needed as Forest just fizzles out.


Hi @kll,

Thanks for your message.
We are currently preparing an communication about the recent incidents, it should contain the answers to your relevant question.

I’ll send the link in the thread as soon as it is published.



I think you already found the communication we were preparing. :wink:

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