Unable to disable smart action form's submit button

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Feature(s) impacted

Fetching images from AWS bucket is takes some time. While prefilling the data and images user won’t be allowed to click on submit button.

Observed behavior

While prefilling the data and images user won’t be allowed to click on submit button.

Expected behavior

It should be disabled. when load hooks fetch the data.

Failure Logs



  • Project name: Curator
  • Team name: Developer
  • Environment name: ALL (Staging, Development, Production)
  • Agent type & version:
  • Package Version: 8.3 (forest-express-sequelize)
  • Express Version: 4.17.1
  • Sequelize Version: 6.6.5
  • Database Dialect: MySql
  • Database Version: 5.7.24

Hey @Naresh :wave:

Sadly, this is currently not supported. To avoid any issue with this behavior, you could do a validation of the smart action side to prevent users to submit the smart action when it is missing form values.

I’m switching the thread to “Feature suggestion”, and I’ll push this as a feature request to our product board.

@jeffladiray Some fields are optional so checking for empty fields won’t work as we won’t be sure if the user intentionally left the field blank or not. In our case all the fields in smart action form are optional.

Hey @jeffladiray

Do we have any update on the feature requested to disable the submit button until pre-fill event has finished ?
If not, could you please suggest any workaround to achieve this like configuring some timers to enable/disable the submit action button ?

Hey @Naresh :wave: we just released a thing about this.
Can you try again and let me know if that answer your case? :pray:

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Yes, it’s working. Thanks for your efforts on this.