Thank you @anon20071947
I confirm that you’re right and things are as you say.
I investigated further on my side and it looks like there is a particular case in which the update doesn’t work.
You can try to reproduce with the following steps:
you have a smart action that shows a form
fill in the form with wrong data (let’s say that your action has some check on in the backend…)
submit the form
in the network inspect of the browser you can see a call to refresh the data
your action returns an error (due to the above wrong data, and the error is shown in the forest front end - so far, so good
the form stays open
fix the data in the form (leave the form open, don’t close the form!! just correct the data you filled in previously)
submit again the very same form with the successful data
the action succeeds and the success message is shown
in the network inspect of the browser there’s no call to refresh the data