V7 issue "column User.$and does not exist"

This is happening with every table in our DB when we migrated to v7.

module.exports = async function (app) {
  const liana = await Liana.init({
    configDir: path.join(__dirname, '../forest'),
    envSecret: process.env.FOREST_ENV_SECRET,
    authSecret: process.env.FOREST_AUTH_SECRET,
    objectMapping: sequelize.Sequelize, // Sequelize was already exported in v6
    connections: { default: sequelize },
    integrations: {
      intercom: {
        accessToken: process.env.INTERCOM_ACCESS_TOKEN,
        intercom: intercomClient,
        mapping: ['User.email']


  console.log(chalk.cyan('Your admin panel is available here: https://app.forestadmin.com/projects'));

Expected behavior

For it to not use the old operators.

Actual behavior

What is the current behavior?

Failure Logs


Please provide any relevant information about your setup.

  • Package Version: ^7.2.2
  • Express Version: ^4.17.1
  • Sequelize Version: ^5.22.4
  • Database Dialect: PG
  • Database Version: 11
  • Project Name: Rupie

Also getting this with Smart Segments

Also this when I try to load a vanilla list of Users.

Yeah v7 is broken :frowning:

Hello @austinrupie,

Thanks for your feedback.

Did you follow the upgrade documentation to the v7?

This v7 is quite new but it’s not broken, we are using it daily and we don’t experience this issue. So I guess it’ll be possible to find what causes errors with your project.

Can you please share with us the SQL to create a table for which you have this issue, and also the model declaration for this table? It’ll help a lot reproducing the issue on our side.