Waiting for your backend to run

Ok, I might have missed something, so let’s just double check everything just to be sure everything is well set/defined.

You have your lumber application up and running on https://www.domain_name.something:3310, with the variables presented on the deploy to production screen.
The URL you entered for the deploy process is well set to https://www.domain_name.something:3310.
You’ve restarted your lumber server after setting the new environment variables.

I’ll need some time to also test this kind of setup on my side, but I’ll keep you updated in case I can find useful infos on the way

Using HTTPS URL containing a port is not so common, but since you can access it via https://www.domain_name.something:3310, there is no particular reason the deploy to production flow would not work. I think your CORS issue could be related to this point though.

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Hi Jeff,

Well done, reading your post made me realize I missed something !
The URL I entered for the deploy process was NOT well set because I forgot to specify the port !

Now the installation process is finished, great and thanks !