Where is the redirect_uri need to set

Feature(s) impacted

Observed behavior

Expected behavior

Failure Logs


  • Project name: GSL_backend_sawfish
  • Team name: gsl
  • Environment name: Production
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: “forest-express-mongoose”: “^8.6.3”,
  • Database type: mongodb
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: nothing, tried to integrate, but always redirect to localhost:3310. Where should I need to set redirct_uri which is mentioned on the authorizationUrl in the response of’/forest/authentication’ call

Hello @Sawfish_Developers

Can you check the APPLICATION_URL environment variable that you are using in that environment that is failing to authenticate?

@anon39940173 Hi,
Set APPLICATION_URL on .env . But the system didn’t consider that. I’m using fetherjs framework to integrate forest-admin and used “forest-express-mongoose” 8.6.3. Liana function were used.

const connection = app.get(“mongooseClient”);
const forestConfig = app.get(“forestAdmin”);

const liana = await Liana.init({
configDir: path.join(__dirname, ‘/forest’),
envSecret: forestConfig.envSecret,
authSecret: forestConfig.authSecret,
schemaDir: process.env.FOREST_SCHEMA_DIR,
objectMapping: Mongoose,
connections: {
default: connection


secret: forestConfig.authSecret,
credentialsRequired: false,
algorithms: [“HS256”],

app.use([‘/forest’, ‘/forest/*’], (request: any, response: any, next: any) => {
logger.info(“forest route”);
if (PUBLIC_ROUTES.includes(request.url)) {
logger.info(“public forest route”);
return next();
logger.info(“checking authentication”);
return ensureAuthenticated(request, response, next);


Set APPLICATION_URL on .env . But the system didn’t consider that. I’m using fetherjs framework to integrate forest-admin and used “forest-express-mongoose” 8.6.3. Liana function were used.

Hello @Sawfish_Developers

I spoke with Julien Jolles
Could you try to set the APPLICATION_URL environment variable to the same value that you have for FOREST_AGENT_URL?

Looking at our source code makes me think that the variable is not set

Yes, I’m tried by seting APPLICATION_URL.
I’m using FeatherJs for backend. So is there anything with that, like setting any additional values for base URL or free package can only be redirected to localhost from forestadmin side.???