ForestAdmin was working OK for the past few weeks.
Nothing changed on our backend.
From today morning, it’s impossible to create records in collections. All checkboxes are greyed out, date input fields do not work (I select a date in the picker but nothing is selected).
And the JS console lights up like a christmass tree, see my screenshot
Has a new update been deployed today?
The dropdown do not expand either when clicked
Hi @francois_Ruty,
Thanks for sharing your issue.
I couldn’t reproduce it yet on my side.
Even if it’s a “christmas tree”, can I ask you to show me all the errors you have in your browser console?
I can’t see what’s the 1st one in your screen 
Thank you.
Hi, when I open the collection record creation form, I get:
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘fieldName’ of null
at n.get (client-e2177c6da7930a083cd764170319c712.js:3957)
at vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:2696
at te (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:2618)
at i.o.get (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:2696)
at n.referenceFieldName (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:2594)
at Pe (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:2672)
at n.get (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:3321)
at n.value (client-e2177c6da7930a083cd764170319c712.js:3955)
at n.value (client-e2177c6da7930a083cd764170319c712.js:3950)
at n.e.init (client-e2177c6da7930a083cd764170319c712.js:433)
When I click on a date picker, I get
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘top’ of undefined
at client-e2177c6da7930a083cd764170319c712.js:2528
at t.invokeWithOnError (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:5003)
at e.t.flush (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:4995)
at e.t.flush (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:5009)
at e.r._end (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:5072)
at e.r.end (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:5028)
at e.r._runExpiredTimers (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:5079)
at o.trace (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:20903)
When I click on a dropdown menu, I get:
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘style’ of undefined
at client-e2177c6da7930a083cd764170319c712.js:1194
at t.invokeWithOnError (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:5003)
at e.t.flush (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:4995)
at e.t.flush (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:5009)
at e.r._end (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:5072)
at e.r.end (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:5028)
at e.r._runExpiredTimers (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:5079)
at o.trace (vendor-ceb103a2977c7ed6e9924723d6513e97.js:20903)
@francois_Ruty we finally manage to reproduce.
We are currently working on a fix.
I let you know as soon as it is live.
Thanks for your patience!
@anon34731316 thanks for the heads up however our whole operation is down at the moment and people have to use papers
This is a huge problem for us, you guys need to deploy a versioning system
I’m a freelance CTO and work with many startups, there is no way I can keep using in production a web application that is not versioned, this means I have to trust your Q&A process (which apparently I can’t, which is OK if, again, you have a versioning system)
We understand your frustration and we are deeply sorry.
The fix is now released. If you refresh the page, the problem should be gone.
Can you please confirm everything is back to normal?
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thanks, it seems to be OK now
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