Why does the Forest Admin collection by default not display the columns in the same order as the database table

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Feature(s) impacted

Forest Admin collection by default not displaying the columns in the same order as the database table

Observed behavior

Forest Admin collection by default not displaying the columns in the same order as the database table

Expected behavior

By default Forest Admin collection column should be displayed in same order as database table

Failure Logs


Please provide in this mandatory section, the relevant information about your configuration:

  • Project name: Curator
  • Team name: Developer
  • Environment name: ALL (Staging, Development, Production)
  • Agent type & version:
  • Package Version: 8.3 (forest-express-sequelize)
  • Express Version: 4.17.1
  • Sequelize Version: 6.6.5

Hi @Naresh,

It’s only based on the order of field you send in the .forestadmin-schema.json
You can of course reorder it if necessary in your admin panel :wink:

Hi @vince
I am not passing any order or column name in .forestadmin-schema.json. It displays the lower priority column at front due to the column order being sorted alphabetically.

By default it should display the same order as my MySQL table column order.

Hey @Naresh,
I pushed your comment to our Product Board :wink: