Ability to use multi-lin (Text Area) inputs in string array

What is the feature?

Ability to have a multi-line text input field (Text Area) when adding text to an array of type ["String"], both in smart forms and when editing an object.

Screenshot 2022-10-26 at 10.45.49

What problem does this solve for you?

We use MongoDB and have collections where documents contain an array of rich text fields, each field may contain newline characters, emojis, and more. The length is dynamic and can potentially be very long (hence flattening the array is not really an option).

In one of our collections the array is nested as such:
[ { title: "my_title", texts: [ "text1", "text2" ] }, { title: "my_title2", texts: [ "text1" ] } ]

I cannot figure out a way to let managers input rich text into the text fields, inside the array, in a nice way. If the input widget of the array would allow the Text Area component, this would solve my problem!

Who else would be using this feature?

Anyone who wishes to manage multi-line text fields in an array.