Rich text editor in smart action field

Is it possible to display a rich text editor in the field of a smart action?

Best regards

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Hello @Guiguijo ! :wave: Welcome to our community :tada: :confetti_ball:

You can find the documentation related to the smart action inputs values.

Unfortunately, with only support the following list bellow for now.

Supported field types: Boolean, Date, Dateonly, Enum, File, Number, String, ['Enum'], ['Number'], ['String']

So we cannot display a Rich Text Editor to edit String today.

Kind regards,

Hi @morganperre ,

Thank you for your response.
It’s what I thought. That would be great to have this features :wink:

Best regards

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Hi again,

I’ll push a Suggestion to our product board. :slight_smile:

Have a nice day.

Best regards

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Hi @morganperre

Do you have any news about this feature ?
I need to develop a smart action with a pre-loaded text for an email and I am a little bit stuck :slight_smile:

Have a nice day


Hey @Quentin_Somerville,

We have still nothing on this topic on the near future (Q1 2022). Feature request are used to be grouped around the same topic (3-4 bullet points around the same subject) before taking any actions. (I resent the suggestion to product board)

In your case the current state of Smart Actions dynamic forms with hooks seems to be adequate ? You can totally work with string for an email.

Kind regards,

Hi @morganperre
Thank you for your quick response !
The problem is that the email are on several lines and the text file is only on 1 line like in this screenshot

Is it possible to display the smart action field in several lines ?

Thank you,

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Thanks for sharing your use case ! It’s a useful insight.

Indeed today it’s not possible… I’ll add this to the Feature request, I hope it will speed up things concerning this topic !

Thanks again.

Kind regards,

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Hi @Quentin_Somerville :wave: ,

Have you tried to apply the widget text area to your “Contenu” field?

Something like this should work:

  actions: [{
    name: 'Envoyer un email',
    fields: [{
      field: 'Contenu',
      type: 'String',
      widget: 'text area', // <-- set the widget text area

Hi @louis
Yes it’s better !
It works for the SMS but it is still not perfect for an html email.
Is there a widget ‘rich text’ ? I didn’t find it in the doc.



Unfortunately, rich text widget is not available yet for smart action form fields :frowning:

Any news about this ?

Would indeed be great to have that in the future :+1:

Thanks for reaching out,

The feature is part of the product improvment but as it is not scheduled yet, I cannot provide an estimated date.



This was the first hit on my SE so I’m doing a bit of grave digging to say that it is now indeed possible, see these docs: Widgets in Forms | Node.js Developer Guide (