Adding Development Environment to a pre-existing Role

Expected behavior

I attempted to add a collaborator to my Forest project and was told that I needed to deploy it to Production first.

After deploying to Production and setting up and Admin team and role, I was able to invite a collaborator.

My colleague is only able to access the Production environment, but they need to be able to see the Development environment too.

When I go to edit the Admin role, I expect to be able to see the option to add the Development environment to it.

Actual behavior

There is no option to add the Development environment to the list of environments Admin users have access to.

Screenshot 2021-05-26 at 20.44.39

I can’t create a new role as I’m using a free account.

When I go to delete the Admin role to see if starting from scratch will help, it says I cannot delete the role because there are users assigned to it.

I cannot unassign users from the Admin role since there are no other roles!

I’m stuck. :smiley:

How do I update my Admin role to also be able to access the Development environment?

Thank you very much!

Hey @Nadia,

Developments environment are not in the roles system as everything is allowed on those environments :wink:.
But developments environments are accessible only by its creator. If you want a pre-production environment where multiple people can access it you’ll need to create a remote environment.
If you do need a development environment you can also both create your own development environment and use our Development Workflow.

I hope this will help you :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hey @vince,

Thank you. That does make sense. I’ll just make a separate staging environment! :relaxed: