Admin backend creation via docker desktop on win10 fails

I’m looking forward to trying forest admin and am in the process of installing the admin backend locally using docker desktop on a win10 machine with a postgresql db running locally in a docker container.

I copied & pasted the cli commands from the guide in my account on your website and everything works fine until I get to step 4 which is the last step. That command is as follows and has 2 parts:
cd “my-project-name” && docker-compose up --build

Changing the directory fails because the folder doesn’t exist.
docker-compose fails because the config file doesn’t exist.

Step 2 works fine:
docker run --rm --init -it -v ~/.forest.d:/usr/src/cli/.forest.d -e TOKEN_PATH=“/usr/src/cli” forestadmin/toolbelt login

Step 3 works fine:
docker run --rm --init -it -v pwd:/usr/src/app -v ~/.forest.d:/usr/src/cli/.forest.d -e TOKEN_PATH=“/usr/src/cli” forestadmin/toolbelt projects:create “my-project-name” --databaseConnectionURL “postgres://user:pwd@host.docker.internal:5432/dbname” --databaseSchema “public” --applicationHost “localhost” --applicationPort “3310”

The above step shows a bunch of files being created and upon completion says “√ Hooray, installation success!”.
But the files are nowhere to be found on my local machine. Where are the files? Where is the “my-project-name” folder and where is the docker-compose config file? How do I get the local admin backend running on a win10 machine with docker desktop & a postegresql db running locally in docker?

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Feature(s) impacted

Please describe in this mandatory section the feature(s) that will be discussed in this topic.
backend creation

Observed behavior

Please describe in this mandatory section the current behavior you observe.
backend creation fails when following the instructions provided

Expected behavior

Please describe in this mandatory section the behavior you are expecting.
successful backend creation

Failure Logs

  1. cd my-project-name: error cannot find path “my-project-name” because it does not exist
  2. docker-compose error: no configuration file provided: not found


Please provide in this mandatory section, the relevant information about your configuration:

  • Project name: my-project-name
  • Team name: none
  • Environment name: win10 with docker desktop
  • Agent type & version: ?
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: none

Hello @sirscalawag,

Thank for this feedback.
It seems the step 3 command creates a volume on “pwd”. Do you have a folder a disk root named pwd?
I think it should work by specifying a real path (/c/project) instead of pwd.


Thank you. That worked but I had to use //c/forestadmin in front of the docker volumes.

In step 2 I changed this:
docker run --rm --init -it -v ~/.forest.d:/usr/src/cli/.forest.d -e TOKEN_PATH="/usr/src/cli" forestadmin/toolbelt login

to this:
docker run --rm --init -it -v “//c/forestadmin/.forest.d:/usr/src/cli/.forest.d” -e TOKEN_PATH="/usr/src/cli" forestadmin/toolbelt login

And in step 3 I changed this:
docker run --rm --init -it -v pwd:/usr/src/app -v ~/.forest.d:/usr/src/cli/.forest.d -e TOKEN_PATH="/usr/src/cli" forestadmin/toolbelt projects:create “my-project-name” --databaseConnectionURL “postgres://user:pwd@host.docker.internal:5432/dbname” --databaseSchema “public” --applicationHost “localhost” --applicationPort “3310”

to this:
docker run --rm --init -it -v “//c/forestadmin:/usr/src/app” -v “//c/forestadmin/.forest.d:/usr/src/cli/.forest.d” -e TOKEN_PATH="/usr/src/cli" forestadmin/toolbelt projects:create “my-project-name” --databaseConnectionURL “postgres://user:pwd@host.docker.internal:5432/dbname” --databaseSchema “public” --applicationHost “localhost” --applicationPort “3310”

Then the docker-compose.yml and supporting files were in C:\forestadmin\my-project-name

Note that I couldn’t just use //c because docker didn’t have permissions to create the “my-project-name” subfolder there. But it worked fine after I created the forestadmin subfolder and then had docker put it’s files there.