Agent Unreachable problem

Hey guys,

I cannot solve this agent unreachable problem that I’m getting lately (before it used to be fine).

Here is the agent code

My node is v18.16.0.
@forestadmin/agent v1.8.13
@forestadmin/datasource-sequelize v1.3.1

There was one thread regarding this problem but it didn’t help me to solve my issue, so I had to open a new one.

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you very much.

Can you open your console network and send your errors please ?

Thank you for your response.
Below are the screenshots for my console and network tabs.

Can you try to disable your adBlock extension on your navigator and reload the page please ?

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Wow. That was the problem.
I’ve recently switched to Brave browser and forgot to disable the adBlock extension.

Thank you so much!

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Happy to help you.
Have a good time with forest :slight_smile: