API Error after updating the value of a property filtered by scope

Feature(s) impacted

Records that has scopes

Observed behavior

While toggling a record property that has an attached scope filter supposed to show it in the UI only if it is true, an API error popup occurs when updating it to false

Expected behavior

Expected behavior is for the record property to be successfully updated to false without triggering an API error popup

Failure Logs

image (2)


  • Project name: Confetti
  • Team name: …
  • Environment name: Production
  • Agent (forest package) name & version:
    “forest-express-sequelize”: “^9.2.9”,
    “forest-cli”: “^4.1.3”,
    “sequelize”: “~5.15.1”
  • Database type: postgresql
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: …

Hello @Oded_Sharir,

Thank you for your detailed feedback. I could reproduce your issue, and we’re figuring out the best way to fix this issue.

If I understand the problem correctly, the modification is correctly done but an error is thrown when trying to access the modified record.

As the record does not belong to the configured scope anymore, it’s not possible to display it. That’s why this error is thrown.

Thank you for responding promptly. I would greatly appreciate being informed once the issue has been resolved.

We created a bug ticket on our side, we’ll keep you informed when it will be fixed.