January 25, 2023, 8:55am
Feature(s) impacted
Smart Action with field having a reference attribute
Observed behavior
Reference field not finding related records so the form is never valid
Expected behavior
Reference field used to find related records, we noticed yesterday that it is no longer working.
Failure Logs
Project name:
Team name:
Environment name: All Environments
Agent type & version: forest_rails 7.7.0, Rails
Recent changes made on your end if any: upgrade from rails to
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I typed “3” to find id of podcat 383 and ForestAdmin doesn’t find it
Hey @mjaidi @CoincoinNico
In your error message, it seems like you are using 7.8 (according to your console log), not 7.7.
Could you confirm the exact version you are using? (As well as sharing both your project name so I can check on my end what is going on?)
January 25, 2023, 12:15pm
project: Okarito
indeed, i tried upgrading locally to see if it was fixed in the next version (7.8) so the error happened on both 7.7 (local, production envs) and 7.8 local env
@mjaidi @CoincoinNico , sorry the delayed response.
I just tried on my end and I’m currently not able to reproduce your issue.
Do you confirm that to are having this issue only on reference attribute in smart action fields ?
After more investigation, I’m able to reproduce as well.
I’m opening a ticket on our end for this issue to be fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience
Hello Everyone
We just released a fix, can you refresh your browser and confirm us that you get the desired behaviour on your smart actions ?
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Hell Steve !
Awesome I confirm that it works !