Hi all, I noticed a new bug that has seemed to been introduced today.
When navigating to a segment, the request that ends up being made to the backend (I see it through browser tools) is not including the “sort” query parameter. This is despite the fact that the segment has got sorting configured by a given field and that the same field has got the little arrow up/down indicator in the table headers.
Hi @vince . Thank you for looking into it quickly. I see the improvement already.
I have spotted another bug with segments: when going from a segment A to segment B (segments belonging to different collections!), sometimes it happens that the filters of segment A get carried over in the request made to fetch data for segment B. That often results in either wrongly displayed data or, when column names are completely different, it results in various other errors such as:
An unsupported operator was used, please retry after clearing your filters (directly in the frontend)
400 from the agent: ValidationError: Invalid filters (The ‘xyzzy’ field was not found. Available fields are: [a,b,c]
400 from the agent: ValidationError: Invalid filters (The given operator ‘Equal’ is not supported by the column: ‘status’. the column is not filterable)