[nodemon] restarting due to changes…
[nodemon] starting babel-node -r dotenv/config ./src/app.js
Forest Express Version: 10.6.0
Forest Express Mongoose Version: 9.5.0
=== Forest Admin Dependencies ===
‘forest-express’: ‘10.6.0’,
‘forest-express-mongoose’: ‘9.5.0’,
mongoose: ‘6.13.4’,
node: ‘v18.20.5’
=== Forest Admin Initialization Debug ===
Environment: {
NODE_ENV: ‘development’,
APPLICATION_URL: ‘https://api.hotelsconnect.com.au’,
Application URL Details: {
raw: ‘https://api.hotelsconnect.com.au’,
protocol: ‘https’,
hostname: ‘api.hotelsconnect.com.au’,
isLocalhost: false,
hasProtocol: true
Fetching secrets from AWS Secrets Manager…
Secrets loaded successfully
Forest Admin Routes:
- POST /forest/actions/generate-new-qr-codes
- POST /forest/actions/download-qr-codes
- POST /forest/actions/download-reports
=== Forest Admin Pre-initialization Checks ===
Configuration Checks: {
envSecret: { exists: true, length: 64, isValid: true },
authSecret: { exists: true, length: 48, isValid: true },
applicationUrl: {
value: ‘https://api.hotelsconnect.com.au’,
isValid: true,
isSecure: true,
hostname: ‘api.hotelsconnect.com.au’,
port: ‘443’
mongoose: {
isConnected: true
Initializing Forest Admin with config: {
envSecret: ‘72a8b444…’,
authSecret: ‘fad48c55…’,
applicationUrl: ‘https://api.hotelsconnect.com.au’
Mongoose: checkins.createIndex({ hotel_id: 1 }, { background: true })
Mongoose: passwordresets.createIndex({ user_id: 1 }, { background: true })
Mongoose: hotels.createIndex({ location: ‘2dsphere’ }, { background: true })
[forest] Checking need for apimap update…
Mongoose: qrcodes.createIndex({ provider_id: 1 }, { background: true })
Mongoose: serviceproviders.createIndex({ location: ‘2dsphere’ }, { background: true })
Mongoose: checkins.createIndex({ user_id: 1 }, { background: true })
Mongoose: purchases.createIndex({ user_id: 1 }, { background: true })
Mongoose: serviceproviders.createIndex({ name: ‘text’ }, { background: true })
Mongoose: purchases.createIndex({ check_in_id: 1 }, { background: true })
Mongoose: purchases.createIndex({ hotel_id: 1 }, { background: true })
Mongoose: hotels.createIndex({ name: ‘text’ }, { background: true })
[forest] No change in apimap, nothing sent to Forest.
=== Forest Admin Initialization Success ===
timestamp: ‘2024-11-27T16:42:18.364Z’,
applicationUrl: ‘https://api.hotelsconnect.com.au’,
middlewarePresent: true,
mongooseConnection: ‘Connected’
Forest Admin initialized, setting up middleware…
HotelsConnect API listening on port 3000.
GET / 200 4.385 ms - 52
(node:609089) Warning: Accessing non-existent property ‘count’ of module exports inside circular dependency
(Use node --trace-warnings ...
to show where the warning was created)
(node:609089) Warning: Accessing non-existent property ‘findOne’ of module exports inside circular dependency
(node:609089) Warning: Accessing non-existent property ‘remove’ of module exports inside circular dependency
(node:609089) Warning: Accessing non-existent property ‘updateOne’ of module exports inside circular dependency
(node:609089) DeprecationWarning: current Server Discovery and Monitoring engine is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. To use the new Server Discover and Monitoring engine, pass option { useUnifiedTopology: true } to the MongoClient constructor.
Scheduler: Running clean-up of active user check-ins.
GET / 200 0.759 ms - 52
GET / 200 0.316 ms - 52
Scheduler: Running clean-up of active user check-ins.
GET / 200 0.548 ms - 52