Unableto authenticate you

Observed behavior

after updating to the latest version I get the following message:

Failure Logs





Please provide in this mandatory section, the relevant information about your configuration:

  • Project name:rental-admin
  • Environment name:pgsql
  • Agent type & version: “forest-express-sequelize”: “^8.4.7”,
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: upgrade from version 2 to 8,upgrade node from 8 to 10

Hello @user1,

Thank you for your message.

If I understood well, you upgraded your forest-express-sequelize from version 2 to 8?
Did you follow the upgrade notes?


Hi @anon34731316
yes, I think I did everything according to the instructions. I have updated one by one

Hey @user1,

Thanks for searching all those information. We will try to find the culprit. :pray:

The network indicates a failing calls on the /forest/authentication/callback URL.

  • Do you encounter the issue on development environment or on production environment ? (I don’t find any pgsl environment for the project rental-admin)
  • Can you share your APPLICATION_URL environment variable ? (It can cause this issue)

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

1 Like


I can’t check the environment from https://app.forestadmin.com/projects , I don’t know why. Is there any other way to check it?

Ok, you can see it on the upper-left corner of the application when you join a project but lets forget about that.

I need to know your APPLICATION_URL configuration. :pray:

Regarding the configuration of the rental-admin project, for your production, it should be to


Let me know if this helps.

Kind regards,

Sorry, before I wrote about APPLICATION_URL envirroment vairable - I dont know where I can find it.

Hi again,

APPLICATION_URL environment variable so it can be most of the time in a .env for localhost config (development). In production config it can be store on a specific way depending on your host services (AWS, Heroku, GoogleCloud, Azure, …)

Can you ask a colleague for this information ?
