Hi there!
We have a smart action with a list of checkboxes that have been working fine since we introduced it months ago. This morning, the checkbox widget on the smart action has disappeared and is now a text box causing inconvenience to our content team.
The source code has not been changed from our side in the last 2 weeks and the GET API connected to the smart action is working as expected.
Summary of the issue - Expected behavior
Open Add amenities smart action
Smart action form rendering all our amenities as checkboxes for agents to select (as seen below)
Agent selects amenities and saves.
Actual Behavior - from this morning:
Open Add amenities smart action
Agent is only able to type amenities in a text box. It’s not even a Belongs to Typeahead, Belongs to Select or Dropdown widgets as seen in the screenshot below
We have found that if we refresh 2-3x then the checkboxes appear again. FYR the below attached video - note I’ve excluded the first 2 refresh attempts to reduce file size.
Hi @Yusra_Bagosher Have you got any errors logs on your browser console when the checkboxes disappear?
@Arnaud_Moncel we didn’t seen any suspected error in browser console.
Hi @SivaKumarTukanti welcome to our community.
In order to see what happen, can you give us your project Name please
EDIT: can you share the smart action code please?
project name : Chalet+
Smart Action : : same code is working as expected before , there is no new changes done on this .
const addAmenitiesAction = {
name: 'Add Amenities',
type: 'single',
endpoint: '/forest/actions/add-amenities',
fields: [
field: 'Amenities',
type: ['Enums'],
enums: ['None'],
widget: 'checkboxes',
field: 'Agent',
reference: 'c2CUser.userIdKey',
widget: 'belongsto dropDown',
isRequired: true,
hooks: {
load: async ({ fields, request }) => {
const amenities = await getAminities();
const amenitiesValues = amenities.map((amenity) => {
return amenity.nameEn;
fields.Amenities.enums = amenitiesValues;
return fields;
I see two error in your code:
- inside the
type: ['Enums']
=> type: ['Enum']
- inside the
widget: 'belongsto dropDown'
=> widget: 'belongsto dropdown'
Let me know
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