Good morning
I’m working on a new company and forest admin is interesting.
Feature(s) impacted
Use the forestadmin’s Frontend
We would like to connect to use forest admin with our api.
We have got a lot of CRUD and our own database. Forestadmin could help us to growth fast
Is it possible to connect the backoffice to an external api and manage the data between frontend and backend ? I checked this and it’s look like we are not able to filter / paginate the result
Superbe use case, Forest Admin is able to do so and even more.
This is a very old and outdated documentation… (Thanks for the feedback our team will remove it asap)
It’s possible for sure. It really depends on what you are trying to achieve. Forest Admin agent for Node.js @forestadmin/agent (backend that runs on your side) provides a wide range of tools (high-level API) to respond to a variety of use cases.