Dashboard, export to production environment

Is there a way to easily/safely export the setup of a dashboard from a pre-production environment to a production environment?

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

What is the current behavior?

Failure Logs

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  • Package Version:
  • Express Version:
  • Sequelize Version:
  • Database Dialect: Postgre
  • Database Version:
  • Project Name:

Hello @Ken,

Yes, there is a simple way to export a dashboard from one environment to another. Just use the “copy layout” feature. You can find the necessary documentation here.

Let me know if it helps :slight_smile:

This makes a full copy of the configuration. Can this be restricted for example to a Dashboard?

Hi @Ken,

Unfortunately not, there is no way to copy only part of a layout. I’ll push your request to Product Board.
Sorry for the inconvenience :confused: