Database in VPS inside a docker container

I’m currently not able to install FA locally because my DB is not accessible from the IP of my VPS—I first have to ssh and then I can use this DATABASE_URL: “postgres://user:password@localhost/my-db”

I’m also not able to install FA directly in the VPS because I’m already using that port (I have an nginx reverse proxy to serve another app):

Cannot start service app: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint  (6b0111c348524de4ee7ddcd064e267d58cedf9ceee5a70e214d27e4a3ed7703c): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use

ERROR: for app  Cannot start service app: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint  (6b0111c348524de4ee7ddcd064e267d58cedf9ceee5a70e214d27e4a3ed7703c): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use

What’s the recommended workaround?

Hi @nacho,

Usually when we said “install locally” it means to install locally on a laptop for development purposes, and the database is on localhost too, or elsewhere but reachable directly.

SSL tunneling is good for development, but it’s not recommended for servers.

I am not sure about which component is where in your plan.
FA can be behind Nginx with a server_name and proxy_pass configuration.

Thanks, Sliman.

I have a remote VPS where I run a docker container with Discourse (just like this forum). I want to analyze Discourse’s postgres DB with FA.

So, how do you recommend I configure it? Http and https requests to the discourse site are currently being handled in the remote VPS via nginx. Would I have to add some sort of route in the nginx config to handle FA requests? Does it matter which port I use?

Hi @nacho :wave:
When you execute the lumber generate command you can specify a different port by edit the --application-port option. Be careful to the --application-host, the combination of these two option should be callable from your browser.