Date picker not an option for "DateOnly" types (Django)

Feature(s) impacted

The “dateonly picker” widget

Observed behavior

For columns with the “DateOnly” type, the date picker widget does not appear as an option in the field settings. This is true for all of our “DateOnly” columns. One specific example is shown below:

However, our .forestadmin-schema.json file confirms that the sequencing_date field is being recognized as the correct datatype:

Expected behavior

We expect the “dateonly picker” widget to appear as an option in the field settings (as is described here in the forest admin documentation) for fields of the “DateOnly” type.


  • Project name: GumboUI
  • Team name: DepMap
  • Environment name: Production
  • Agent type & version: Django
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: We recently switched from the Node backend to the Django backend, and noticed this problem after switching (it had been working fine before).

Hello @Sarah_Wessel,

It’s fixed in the last version of the package.

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Thank you! It’s working for me now!

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