Hello !
Feature impacted
Error message displayed when there is an error on instance deletion
Observed behavior
Error message displayed when using action “Delete” doesn’t always match what’s happening in the database if there are callbacks and is different depending where the deletion is triggered from (from collection or from related data)
Example :
We have a model Invoice
with a restrict_with_error
If we directly access the instance from the Invoices collection and try to delete it then we have the expected error message
However if we access the instance from one of its relationships (Code virement in the screenshot) then we have a message saying that the instance is successfully deleted (but it’s not actually deleted which is the right behavior)
Expected behavior
We expect an error message to be displayed every time the record isn’t deleted.
- Project name: CulturePay
- Environment name: Floating River
- Agent technology: Rails (
- Agent (forest package) name & version: forest_liana 8.3.1
- Database type: PGSQL
Thanks !