Development view malfunction

Feature(s) impacted

Development view

Observed behavior

Displayed smart actions do not reflect the smart actions defined on my backend.
Smart actions display forms of other smart actions.
Since this morning (2023-01-03). It was working fine yesterday.

Expected behavior

Displayed smart actions should reflect the backend definitions.


  • Project name: Rogervoice
  • Team name: Thomas
  • Environment name: Development
  • Agent type & version: “@forestadmin/agent”: “1.5.5”
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The update I made on the backend server is not reflected in the admin panel. Exactly the same problem? There was no such problem yesterday.

It’s like the schema is not properly send to UI.
Capture d’écran 2023-01-03 à 11.42.12


I have the same problem. There is no problem here

Hi @tbaron :wave: welcome to our community.
I’m sad to hear that. To try to understand what happen here can you give me an example of change you mage ? After that i can check on our data what’s going on.

Hi @Melis_Tekin :wave:
Can you give me your project name, the environment name and an example of change is not appear please?

We have the same problem. The schema is not properly send to UI.
We have just added a smart action and it is not visible in the UI.

Project name: ShapeFit

I am modifying mongoose schema.

For instance, on the UI, I can still see smart actions that I have removed from the backend.
And also, when I click on my smart action “Create a new Thing”, I can see on my backend logs that the hook for my other smart action “Modify the Thing” is triggered.
Now, I cannot start my backend anymore, it crashes. Clearly, there is something with the schema upload. Here the logs:

Error: [Tue Jan 03 2023 12:29:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)] Unexpected Error
    at ServerUtils.handleResponseError (node_modules/@forestadmin/forestadmin-client/dist/utils/server.js:41:23)
    at ServerUtils.query (node_modules/@forestadmin/forestadmin-client/dist/utils/server.js:20:18)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async SchemaService.postSchema (node_modules/@forestadmin/forestadmin-client/dist/schema/index.js:17:13)
    at async Agent.sendSchema (node_modules/@forestadmin/agent/dist/agent.js:154:25)
    at async Promise.all (index 1)
    at async Agent.start (node_modules/@forestadmin/agent/dist/agent.js:57:26)
    at async App.startForest (build/src/app.js:86:9)
    at async App.start (build/src/app.js:59:9)
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@tbaron @Melis_Tekin @Pater We’ve detected an issue with the computation of forestadmin-schema.json on our end.

Our technical team is currently investigating and fixing the issue. We’ll keep you updated.


@tbaron @Melis_Tekin @Pater We apologize for the inconvenance, it should be back to normal now, can you confirm it work again on your side :pray:
I stay here to answer your questions.


Now it works again. Thank you!


It’s fixed. Thanks you!

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