Document the toolbelt?

Hi, I was playing around with the project setup in the command line in the context of this comment.

It was quite confusing to get things right, especially to set up a Typescript project with the --language option, because I didn’t find any documentation for it. In the end, I was able to figure it out through the project onboarding UI, which is not the place I looked initially, since it lacks quite some detail for me.

It would have been way better for my use case, if either projects:create:nosql and projects:create:sql was fully documented in the @forestadmin/toolbelt README on GitHub, the documentation portal (Choose your documentation - Documentation Portal), or the command line --help functions.

Just a suggestion. I don’t create a PR myself (yet), because I don’t fully understand the scope of these instructions.

Hello @David_Roegiers :wave:,

Thank you for your feedback :pray:! I have pushed this request on our product board.

Kind regards,


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