Error accessing local environment

Hi there,
We have lost the capability to work locally on forest.
I have pulled my forest backend locally, ran forest init and started the server. My forest env points to http://localhost:3310 and I have set up the AUTH env variables.
I am getting an authentication error in the front. All other remote environment work fine.
See screenshot for the error.
How can I make it work locally ?


Hi @Jean-Yves_Poilleux :wave:

To help you I will need :

  • your project name
  • the liana that you are using
  • the version of the liana

I will also need your network console, your console logs if you have any, and same for your agent logs if you have any error messages.

Kind regards,



  • folk
  • forest-express-sequelize
  • liana 8

Actually, it seems that the reason is that the forest front end is trying to perform a callback in https while m local server runs http. So it’s not finding anything.

I’ve already had a conversation about developping locally in http (instead of https) here : Lost possibility to develop locally since migrating to the new development workflow - #10 by Sliman_Medini

It seems forest doesn’t allow me to locally work without https even though my environment is local and my endpoint is set as http.

Can you confirm?

You should be able to develop locally using HTTP only.

Can you check that:

  • The frontend is served over http (if not check you are not using an extension like “EFF HTTPS Everywhere”)
  • In your agent configuration, the APPLICATION_URL environment variable points to a HTTP endpoint

If that does not fix it, I would love a screenshot from the request which is failing in chrome inspector

Great! APPLICATION_URL was indeed over https. That solved the issue. Thanks !

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