Feature(s) impacted
Access to a list or details
Observed behavior
I get the following random error: “The request to your server either failed or returned invalid data.
Please check your console logs to get more information.”
The problem is only on the production environment and doesn’t matter which team/role. We have no error on our staging environment. The error is really random, we can very well access a list or detail like retrieving the error.
Expected behavior
Simply access any list or detail of an entity without getting this error randomly
Failure Logs
- Project name: elmut_forest_admin
- Team name: all teams (tech, customer love, general management …)
- Environment name: only production
- Agent (forest package) name & version: @forestadmin/agent: 1.16.1
- Database type: postgresql, package uses: @forestadmin/datasource-sql: 1.7.9
- Recent changes made on your end if any: Change a function parameter in a smart action. No errors on our staging environment
Thank you for the report
Is it possible to have the stack trace of the forest agent when you encounter the error please? It will help us to find the problem.
When I try to access a resource (or list), I randomly get the following error:
"isAdapterError": true,
"stack": "Error: Ember Data Request GET https://production-xxxx-xx.xxxxx.fr/forest/subscription/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-a54531dd8ca5 returned a 500\nPayload (application/json; charset=utf-8)\n[object Object]\n at n.i (https://app.forestadmin.com/assets/vendor-57f310cc597dbcdb2c03726a1260752a.js:89:229557)\n at new n (https://app.forestadmin.com/assets/vendor-57f310cc597dbcdb2c03726a1260752a.js:89:230315)\n at b.handleResponse (https://app.forestadmin.com/assets/vendor-57f310cc597dbcdb2c03726a1260752a.js:89:236787)\n at b.handleResponse (https://app.forestadmin.com/assets/client-956ed93166291527f3827387ab833b1f.js:1:4661613)\n at A (https://app.forestadmin.com/assets/vendor-57f310cc597dbcdb2c03726a1260752a.js:89:241041)\n at https://app.forestadmin.com/assets/vendor-57f310cc597dbcdb2c03726a1260752a.js:89:237327\n at https://app.forestadmin.com/assets/vendor-57f310cc597dbcdb2c03726a1260752a.js:89:237338",
"message": "Ember Data Request GET https://production-xxxx-xx.xxxxx.fr/forest/subscription/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-a54531dd8ca5 returned a 500\nPayload (application/json; charset=utf-8)\n[object Object]",
"name": "Error",
"errors": [
"name": "Error",
"detail": "Unexpected error",
"status": 500
Sorry for the misunderstanding, do you have the stack trace on your backend (the agent) not in your forestadmin frontend please?
@Eric013 is it clear for you about what we are asking for? Getting the server logs is crucial for us to help understand this issue, I hope you can provide them by accessing the console where the agent is running.