In addition to the the team, can you give me the environment on which you encounter the issue ?
I can’t see this chart in our end, can you save it ?
Can you try to remove all the filter from the charts and tell me if its working without any filter, then applying and testing filters 1 at a time ?
I see you were using the templating ({{collection1.selectedRecord.accountId}}) in the second filter, templating is not supported in charts for agent version < 9
I’ve created this chart again on Team: Engineering, under “Avishai Test” workspace.
The issue occurs only when adding the second filter that searches in collection1.
I’ve upgraded my local forest-packege to 9.2.9 and tested it, isn’t it enough to make it supported?
Hi @nbouliol
Apologies for the (VERY) late response
Not sure what am I doing wrong, I’ve updated forest-express-sequelize to 9.2.9 locally, I see it in the yarn.lock file as the new version.
yet, I still get the UI error message “Upgrade your agent to version >= 9.0.0 to input code”.
Is your .forestadmin-schema.json updated when you update forest-express-sequelize ?
There is a meta section that should display your version.
If the value is invalid, did you set the NODE_ENV environment variable ? We are expecting nothing or dev or development.